Emulsions bituminous road cationic

Emulsions bituminous road cationic
Full description:
Cationic bituminous road emulsions are intended for use as a binder in the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of road surfaces and foundations.
Bituminous cationic road emulsions are produced in accordance with
STB 1245-2015
Depending on the type of the initial and residual binder, the rate of disintegration of the emulsion, the content of the residual binder, the emulsion is divided into grades.
Fast setting cationic road bitumen emulsions:
EBCD – B – 70;
EBCD – B – 65;
EBKD – B – 60.
Guaranteed shelf life is 7 days from the date of manufacture.
Slowly Decaying cationic road bitumen emulsions
EBKD – M – 65;
EBKD – M – 60.
Their warranty period of storage is 14 days from the date of manufacture.
Release form:
Shipment form:
In bulk in tank trucks multiple of tons.